Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education


Note: The following documents are only available in Albanian.



  1. Law No. 80/2015, “On Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Albania” 
  2. Law No. 9741, dated 21.05.2007, “On Higher Education in the Republic of Albania” – amended (by-laws No. 9832, dated 12.11.2007, No. 10307, dated 22.07.2010, No. 10493, dated 15.12.2011) 


Orders of the Prime Minister

  1. Order No. 137, dated 26.06.2023, for a change in Order no. 20, dated 26.1.2021, of the Prime Minister, "On the approval of the structure and organization of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education" 
  2. Order no. 4, dated 17.01.2023, "On the appointment of the director of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education"
  3. Order no. 41, dated 08.02.2019, "On the dismissal and appointment of the director of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education" 
  4. Order no. 44, dated 11.04.2017, "On the appointment of the director of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education" 


Orders and Decisions of the Council of Ministers

  1. Decision No. 628, dated 10.10.2024, "On some changes and additions to Decision No. 109, dated 15.2.2017, of the Council of Ministers, "On the organization and functioning of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the Accreditation Board and on the determination of fees for quality assurance processes in higher education", as amended" 
  2. Decision of CM no. 393, dated 29.06.2023, "Some additions and changes to Decision No. 109, dated 15.2.2017 of the Council of Ministers, "On the organization and functioning of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education and the Accreditation Board and for determining fees for quality assurance processes in higher education", amended."
  3. Decision of CM no. 824, dated 24.12.2021, "On the approval of the Higher Education Quality Code"
  4. Decision of CM no. 825, dated 24.12.2021, "On some additions and amendments to the Decision no. 109, dated 15.2.2017 of the Council of Ministers, "On the organization and functioning of the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education and the Accreditation Board and on setting tariffs for quality assurance processes in higher education", as amended."
  5. Decision of CM no. 621, dated 22.10.2021, "On the approval of the national strategy for education 2021–2026 and the action plan for its implementation"
  6. National Strategy on Higher Education 2021-2026 
  7. Decision of CM no. 185, dated 25.3.2021, For some changes and additions to decision no. 41, dated 24.1.2018 "On the elements of study programs offered by higher education institutions", as amended.
  8. Decision of CM no. 879, dated 18.12.2019, For some changes and additions to the decision no. 41, dated 24.1.2018, of the Council of Ministers, "On the elements of study programs offered by higher education institutions"
  9. Decision of CM no. 562, dated 31.07.2019, "For some changes and additions to the decision no. 109, dated 15.02.2017, of the Council of Ministers" 
  10. Decision of CM no. 109, dated 15.02.2017, “On reorganizing and functioning of the Quality Assurance Agency and the Accreditation Board and for setting tariffs for quality assurance processes in Higher Education” 
  11. Decision of CM no. 990, dated 09.12.2015, “On some changes and additions on Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the activity of institution for external quality assurance” “, amended.  
  12. Decision of CM no. 141, dated 18.02.2015, “On some changes on Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the activity of institution for external quality assurance” “, amended.  
  13. Decision of CM no. 928, dated 04.10.2013, “On the repeal of the Decision of CM no. 359, dated 24.04.2013 “For a change on Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the activity of institution for external quality assurance” “, amended”. 
  14. Decision of CM no. 359, dated 24.04.2013 “For a change on Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the activity of institution for external quality assurance” “, amended (repealed). 
  15. Decision of CM no. 101, dated 06.02.2013, “For an addition on Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the activity of institution for external quality assurance” “, amended. 
  16. Decision no. 368, dated 14.04.2011, “On some additions and changes on Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the activity of institution for external quality assurance” “, amended. 
  17. Order of CM no. 171, dated 27.09.2010, “On approval of structure of Public Accreditation Agency on Higher Education”. 
  18. Decision of CM no. 424, dated 02.06.2010 “On the approval of regulation and accreditation system, organization and the institution's activity for external quality assurance”. 
  19. Decision of CM no. 1509, dated 30.07.2008, “On approval of National Strategy on Higher Education, 2008-2013”. 
  20. Decision of CM no. 303, dated 01.07.1999, “On establishing the Accreditation System in Higher Education”. 


Orders and Instructions of the Minister Responsible for Education

  1. Order of MoES no. 43/1, dated 24.02.2014, “On temporal appointment in office”. 
  2. Order of MoES no. 43, dated 21.02.2014, “For release and appointment in office”. 
  3. Joint Instruction of MoES and MoF no. 7, dated 08.03.2013, “For a change and addition in the Instruction no. 29/1, dated 16.08.2011 “For the determination of the tariffs and services performed by the Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education”. 
  4. Joint Instruction of MoES and MoF no. 29/1, dated 16.08.2011 “For determining the tariffs and services performed by the Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education”. 
  5. Joint Instruction of MoES and MoF no. 29, dated 04.08.2011, “For the determination of the tariffs and services performed by the Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education”. 
  6. Joint Instruction of MoES and MoF no. 2, dated 18.01.2011, “For the determination of the tariffs and services performed by the Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education”. 
  7. Order of MoES no. 408, dated 10.08.2010, “For release and appointment in office”. 
  8. Instruction of MoES no. 4, dated 28.02.2006, “For the determination of the assessment tariffs for the accreditation of the non-public higher education institutions”.