Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

ASCAL part of the "4th SEQA-ESG peer-learning" workshop

ASCAL participated in the workshop organized by ENQA within the project "Supporting European QA Agencies in meeting the ESG (SEQA-ESG)". The meeting took place in Malta, on June 28 and 29, 2022, where Malta Further & Higher Education Authority, organized the reception and development of the workshop.

The theme of the workshop was the 4th SEQA-ESG peer-learning Workshop, "Stakeholder Involvement", where the focus of the discussions was how to involve stakeholders in the governance and work of agencies, as well as in the design of quality assurance methodologies. . At the meeting there were participants and experts selected by ENQA as well as representatives of several agencies in the field of quality assurance in higher education such as that of Montenegro, Moldova, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Malta, and Albania.

ASCAL was represented by the management Mrs. Xiliola Bixheku, Mrs. Ersi Dako, and Mr. Erjon Xhako.
