Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

ASCAL was part of the next meeting held within the framework of the ENGINE project at Kadir Has University in Istanbul (KHAS)

The Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (ASCAL) participated in the next meeting held within the framework of the ENGINE project at Kadir Has University in Istanbul (KHAS) on May 29-30, 2023.

On the first day of the meeting, presentations were made by the Faculty of Economic, Administrative, and Social Sciences, the Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, and the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences about Kadir Has University and its campus. They also shared experiences from other Horizon and Erasmus Plus projects in the fields of Engineering or Renewable Energy, and a visit was conducted to the Istanbul Enerji AŞ company, focusing on the biomass power plant project in Silivri Seyme.

On the second day of the meeting, presentations were given by the Department of Civil Engineering on energy savings in construction, and by the Department of Industrial Engineering and the Department of Architecture on experiences from the Tübitak project in Engineering or Renewable Energy.

Additionally, a visit was made to the main campus facilities of the university and the Rezan Has Museum, which is part of the university's campus.

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