QAAHE, as part of the "Supporting European Quality Assurance Agencies in meeting the ESG (SEQA-ESG)" project – supported by the EU and led by the European Network for Quality Assurance (ENQA) – in cooperation with the Albanian Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MESY), on November 4th 2020 organized a meeting regarding the steps to be taken for the full implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) in the Albanian higher education quality assurance processes.
During the day-long meeting the director of QAAHE presented on the system of higher education in Albania, the system of external quality assurance and the procedures followed during the accreditation processes. The international experts who participated in the meeting, Maria Kelo (ENQA), Colin Tuck (EQAR), Jolanta Silka (AIC), and Cristina Ghitulica (ARACIS) presented on the ESGs and how specific, comparable, countries had implemented the ESGs in their domestic legislation.
In the meeting participated representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office, MESY, rectors and vice rectors of public and non-public higher education institutions, representatives from the quality assurance and curricula offices, and representatives of student councils.