Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

Decisions from the meeting of 19 May 2017

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian. 
To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 19 May 2017
  1. Decision No. 14, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, PhD in "Clinical Psychology", Private University "Albanian University"”
  2. Decision No. 15, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Management in Engineering", Private Higher Education Institution, "Metropolitan University Tirana"”
  3. Decision No. 16, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Electrical Engineering", Private Higher Education Institution, "Metropolitan University Tirana””
  4. Decision No. 17, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, PhD in "Business Administration", "Epoka" University”
  5. Decision No. 18, dt. 19.05.2017, “On the opening of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Management in Sport and Tourism", University of Sports of Tirana”
  6. Decision No. 19, dt. 19.05.2017, “On the opening of the second cycle integrated study program, Master of Sciences in "Law", Epoka University”
  7. Decision No. 20, dt. 19.05.2017, “On the opening of the two-year professional study program, in "Electrical Installation Technology", Professional College of Tirana”
  8. Decision No. 21, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, PhD in "Economics with profiles: Economics; Finance-Banking", of the "Epoka" University”
  9. Decision No. 22, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, PhD in "Civil Engineering", of the "Epoka" University”
  10. Decision No. 23, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, PhD in "Political Science and International Relations", of the "Epoka" University
Note: This decision is amended with the DAB No. 23/1, dated 13.07.2018
“On a change in the Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 23, dated 19.05.2017
"On the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, Doctorate in "Politcal sciences
and international relations", of "EPOKA University".
To view the content in albanian, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 13 July 2018

11. Decision No. 24, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the periodic accreditation of the first cycle study program Bachelor in "Nursing", "Aldent" University”

12. Decision No. 25, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the periodic accreditation of the second cycle integrated study program, Master of Science in "Dentistry", "Aldent" University”

13. Decision No. 26, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, Long Term Specialization in "Implantology" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

14. Decision No. 27, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, Long Term Specialization in "Surgery" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

15. Decision No. 28, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, Long Term Specialization in "OMF Surgery" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

16. Decision No. 29, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the third cycle study program, Long Term Specialization in "Orthodontics" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

17. Decision No. 30, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Physiotherapy" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

18. Decision No. 31, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Nursing" of the Private University "Albanian University"

19. Decision No. 32, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Surgical Nursing" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

Note: This decision is amended with the DAB No. 32/1, dated 15.12.2017
“For a change in the Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 32, dt. 19.05.2017 
"For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Surgical Nursing",
of Private University" Albanian University"".
To view the content in albanian, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 15 December 2017
Note: This decision is amended with the DAB No. 32/2, dated 02.02.2018 
"For a change in the Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 32, dt. 19.05.2017
For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Surgical Nursing",
of Private University" Albanian University"".
To view the content in albanian, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 2 February 2018

20. Decision No. 33, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Business Management" of the Private University "Albanian University"

21. Decision No. 34, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Primary Education Teacher" of the Private University "Albanian University"

22. Decision No. 35, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Preschool Education Teacher" of the Private University "Albanian University"

23. Decision No. 36, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Electronic Engineering" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

24. Decision No. 37, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Information Technology" of the Private University "Albanian University"

25. Decision No. 38, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Public Law" of the Private Higher Education Institution "Mediterranean Albanian"”

26. Decision No. 39, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Civil and Trade" of the Private Higher Education Institution "Mediterranean Albania"”

27. Decision No. 40, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Electric Engineering" of the Private University "Albanian University"

28. Decision No. 41, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Electronic Engineering" of the Private University "Albanian University"

29. Decision No. 42, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Computer Engineering" of the Private University "Albanian University"

30. Decision No. 43, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Information Technology" of the Private University "Albanian University"

31. Decision No. 44, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "School Psychology" of the Private University "Albanian University"

Note: This decision is amended with the DAB No. 44/1, dated 15.12.2017
“For a change in the Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 44, dt. 19.05.2017 
"For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "School Psychology",
of Private University" Albanian University"".
To view the content in albanian, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 15 December 2017
Note: This decision is amended with the DAB No. 44/2, dated 02.02.2018
“For a change in the Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 44, dt. 19.05.2017 
"For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "School Psychology",
of Private University" Albanian University"".

To view the content in albanian, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 2 February 2018

32. Decision No. 45, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in "Security Studies" of the Private University "Albanian University"

33. Decision No. 46, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Psychological Counseling" of the Private University "Albanian University"

34. Decision No. 47, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Law Psychology" of the Private University "Albanian University"”

35. Decision No. 48, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Development and School Psychology" of the Private University "Albanian University"

36. Decision No. 49, dt. 19.05.2017, “For the first accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Law Sciences with profiles: Public and Administrative Law; Private Law; Criminal Law" of the Private University "Albanian University"