Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education


25th Anniversary of ASCAL!

25th Anniversary of ASCAL!

The Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education celebrates today its 25th anniversary, marking an important milestone in its mission to support and improve the...

01 / 07 / 2024

ASCAL, part of the 6th National Conference on the Right to Information

ASCAL, part of the 6th National Conference on the Right to Information

Director of ASCAL Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku and Ms. Jonida Xhaferi, coordinator for the right to information, attended the 6th National Conference on the Right to In...

27 / 06 / 2024

ASCALE took part in the presentation of the ANVUR 2023 report.

ASCALE took part in the presentation of the ANVUR 2023 report.

Director of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ASCAL), Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku, at the invitation of the President of the Italian National Agenc...

24 / 06 / 2024

ASCAL part of the fifth thematic meeting of Group C on quality assurance, organized within the IMINQA project.

ASCAL part of the fifth thematic meeting of Group C on quality assurance, organized within the IMINQA project.

On June 13-14, Mrs. On June 13-14, 2024, Mr. Muhamed Prezja and Mrs. Alma Arapi, Specialists in the Promotion and Quality Assessment Department, participated in...

18 / 06 / 2024

ASCAL part of the INQAAHE 2024 forum

ASCAL part of the INQAAHE 2024 forum

On June 11-12, 2024, Mrs. Ersi Dako, Head of the Statistics and Analysis Department, and Mrs. Majlinda Demirneli, Head of the Promotion and Quality Assessment D...

18 / 06 / 2024

ASCAL meeting with ACQAHE as part of the cooperation between the two agencies

ASCAL meeting with ACQAHE as part of the cooperation between the two agencies

Më datë 11 Qershor 2024,  ASCAL priti Zj. Dunja Bulajic, nga Agjencia për Kontrollin dhe Sigurimin e Cilësisë së Arsimit të Lartë nga Mali i Zi. Temat e ta...

14 / 06 / 2024

“EHEA TIRANA 2024” Ministerial Conference

“EHEA TIRANA 2024” Ministerial Conference

On May 29-30, 2024, ASCAL participated in the Ministerial Conference of the European Higher Education Area, held for the first time in Tirana. Around 70 delegat...

04 / 06 / 2024

EURASHE, 33nd Annual Conference

EURASHE, 33nd Annual Conference

On May 22-23, 2024, ASCAL, represented by Ms. Aleksandra Xhamo, specialist in the Statistics and Analysis Sector, and Ms. Anilda Beqiraj, specialist in the Prom...

27 / 05 / 2024

ASCAL is part of the General Assembly and the Workshop of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA)

ASCAL is part of the General Assembly and the Workshop of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA)

The Director of ASCAL, Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku, and the Head of the Sector for Relations with the Accreditation Board and Internationalization, Mr. Erion Xhako, pa...

21 / 05 / 2024

ASCAL participated in the meeting organized as part of the UNIVALENS project.

ASCAL participated in the meeting organized as part of the UNIVALENS project.

On May 13-14, 2024, ASCAL participated in a meeting organized by the University of Arts, Tirana, as the lead partner of the UNIVALENS project, funded by the Int...

15 / 05 / 2024


The Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, informs the public that the transitional phase between the two accreditations until the decision of the Accreditation Board is regulated by the Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 2 dated 07.04.2017 "On determining the duration and terms of accreditation validity in the framework of decision-making for the accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs" point 4, and the Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 22, dated 14.05.2020 "On the institutional accreditation and study programs term validity as well as the extension of the deadline for accreditation application" point 1.

Point 4 states that: For the purpose of accreditation validity when the final decision of the Accreditation Board is positive, Higher Education Institutions that have submitted the request for periodic accreditation or fulfillment of recommendations/conditions, in accordance with applicable law and that have been in the evaluation process within accreditation, are considered accredited for the period between accreditations.

  Institution Accreditation Status Currently
57 German Higher Professional College of Technology Not accredited In the process of accreditation (For the first time)
57 "Barleti" University Accredited In the process of accreditation (Partial accreditation)


To see the list of study programs that are in the process of accreditation CLICK HERE



Decisions from the meeting of May 17, 2024

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of May 17, 2024 Decision No. 101, Dated 17.05.2024 "On the ...


Decisions from the meeting of April 19th and 20th, 2024

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of April 19th and 20th, 2024 Decision No. 73, Dated 19.04.2...


Decisions from the meeting of March 15, 2024

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of March 15, 2024 Decision No. 56, Dated 15.03.2024 "On the...


Decisions from the meeting of January 12 and 13, 2024

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of January 12 and 13, 2024 Decision No. 1, Dated 12.01.2024...


Decisions from the meeting of 15 December 2023

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 15 December 2023 Decision No. 194, Dated 15.12.2023 "On ...


Decisions from the meeting of 25 November 2023

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 25 November 2023 Decision No. 172, Dated 25.11.202...


Decisions from the meeting of 24 November 2023

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 24 November 2023 Decision No. 137, Dated 24.11.202...


Decisions from the meeting of 20 October 2023

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 20 October 2023   Decision No. 111, Dated 20...


Decisions from the meeting of 23 September 2023

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 23 September 2023   Decision No. 97, Dated 2...


Decisions from the meeting of 4 November 2022

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 4 November 2022   Decision Nr. 73, Dated 04...


Progress visit of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) as part of the SEQA-ESG project.

Within the framework of the project “Supporting European Quality Assurance Agencies in meeting the European Standards and Guidelines (SEQA - ESG)”, the President of the European Association for Qualit...


Decisions from the meeting of 25 February 2022

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 25 February 2022 Decision Nr. 07, Dated 25.02.2022 About The ...
